Milind Soman, Bollywood's best-known actor, remains away from Limelight. But recently he has come to the discussion about his extremely young girlfriends. Milind is seen in Amazon India Fashion Week with her girlfriends.
Milind's girlfriends name is Ankita Kanwar and she is just 18 years old. Milind's age is 51 years. There is a difference of 33 years between the ages of both. Milind shares his photo with Ankita on social media.
In the event both hands are seen in the hands. Ankita also did a ramp walk in this fashion week. For the first time, Milind himself has introduced himself to girlfriend. There are also Ankita airhostes with the model.
According to media reports, Milind and Ankita have been dating each other since last one year. Milind has shared photos with Ankita before this too. Let me tell you that Milind had won ultramaratha last year.
Milind Soman is a fitness freak. He also got the title of Ironman. Milind was last seen in the film 'Bajirao Mastani'. In this, he played the role of Ambarhi Pant.
Milind's girlfriends name is Ankita Kanwar and she is just 18 years old. Milind's age is 51 years. There is a difference of 33 years between the ages of both. Milind shares his photo with Ankita on social media.
In the event both hands are seen in the hands. Ankita also did a ramp walk in this fashion week. For the first time, Milind himself has introduced himself to girlfriend. There are also Ankita airhostes with the model.
According to media reports, Milind and Ankita have been dating each other since last one year. Milind has shared photos with Ankita before this too. Let me tell you that Milind had won ultramaratha last year.
Milind Soman is a fitness freak. He also got the title of Ironman. Milind was last seen in the film 'Bajirao Mastani'. In this, he played the role of Ambarhi Pant.
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