Sunny Leoni had opted for a baby girl from Latur (Maharashtra) in July with husband Daniel Weber. Kapal had named the daughter Nisha Kaur Weber. Recently, Sunny and Danielle celebrated the daughter's second birthday in Arizona (US). In front of the photo, Nisha is seen wearing a crown crowned with a mother-father.
Sunny Leone adopted the 21-month-old daughter.
- The news about the girl was revealed that she had refused to adopt about 11 parents before the adoption.
- This was the reason why the girl was described as a black color.
Lieutenant Colonel Deepak Kumar, CEO of Child Adoption Resource Agency (CARA), which adopts children, revealed this.
They said, most families are extremely curious about the color, face and child's medical history, and for these reasons, children are adopted or rejected.
The reason here was that Nisha was denied the decision by 11 families but Sunny and her husband Danielle did not show any interest in all of them.
Sunny took adoption, regardless of the child's background, color, medical history.
Sunny Leone adopted the 21-month-old daughter.
- The news about the girl was revealed that she had refused to adopt about 11 parents before the adoption.
- This was the reason why the girl was described as a black color.
Lieutenant Colonel Deepak Kumar, CEO of Child Adoption Resource Agency (CARA), which adopts children, revealed this.
They said, most families are extremely curious about the color, face and child's medical history, and for these reasons, children are adopted or rejected.
The reason here was that Nisha was denied the decision by 11 families but Sunny and her husband Danielle did not show any interest in all of them.
Sunny took adoption, regardless of the child's background, color, medical history.
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