On October 26, Bollywood's 'Mast-Mast Girl' is Raveena Tandon's birthday. Raveena is counted among the hottest actresses of the 90s. There are many such rajis in Raveena's life that few people know, like they were not crushed in the name of Akshay or anyone else, not only that, there is a story behind Raveena's name.
In the forthcoming slides, learn some of the unhealthy things of Raveena's life.
Raveena is named after her father Ravi and mother Veena. His nickname 'Munmun' was given by his uncle, Akamika McMahon.
Raveena Tandon started her film career with superstar Salman Khan. His first film was 'Stone of Flowers'
Talks of Raveena Tandon and Akshay Kumar's affair are heard very well, but very few people know that they were not engaged only but they were engaged.
After this Akshay's 'Dil Afank' mood swings did not permit this relationship. These things were told by Raveena herself during a TV interview. After the engagement of Akshaye, they could not sleep all night and night.
In the forthcoming slides, learn some of the unhealthy things of Raveena's life.
Raveena is named after her father Ravi and mother Veena. His nickname 'Munmun' was given by his uncle, Akamika McMahon.
Raveena Tandon started her film career with superstar Salman Khan. His first film was 'Stone of Flowers'
Talks of Raveena Tandon and Akshay Kumar's affair are heard very well, but very few people know that they were not engaged only but they were engaged.
After this Akshay's 'Dil Afank' mood swings did not permit this relationship. These things were told by Raveena herself during a TV interview. After the engagement of Akshaye, they could not sleep all night and night.
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