Honeypreet and his associate Sukhdev Kaur, the accused 'Rahim' daughter Ram Rahim, accused of treason and violence, has been sent to the police custody for six days on Wednesday. Haryana Police's SIT will now take Honeypreet to places where he was hiding. In the inquiry, it has been learned that from 4 days, Haneepreet's car was being run by Sukhdeep and stayed with him at three places within 15 kms of Panchkula. Honeypreet used 15 international mobile numbers in 38 days.
Apart from this, Honeypreet has also contacted around 30 people through several number of IDs of Sirsa and Rajasthan. The police will now locate them.
- Honeypreet had an international number, which he used to call him and called him WhatsApp.
Honeypreet was in touch with Aditya, Pawan, Rohtash since August 25. All this was talked about on his Whatsapp. Honeypreet did not use simple calling anywhere.
Apart from this, Honeypreet has also contacted around 30 people through several number of IDs of Sirsa and Rajasthan. The police will now locate them.
- Honeypreet had an international number, which he used to call him and called him WhatsApp.
Honeypreet was in touch with Aditya, Pawan, Rohtash since August 25. All this was talked about on his Whatsapp. Honeypreet did not use simple calling anywhere.
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