Anil Kapoor's younger brother Sanjay Kapoor has been 52 years old. Born in Mumbai on October 17, 1965, Sanjay made a Bollywood debut with the film 'Prem' in 1995. Sanjay Kapoor, who shares the screen with Madhuri Dixit in 'Raja', is going to return to the TV once again. Since October 23, his new show 'Dil Sebhele Jaa Jara' is going to start. In this show, Sanjay will be seen romancing with Smriti Kalra and Nikki Anneja.
Sanjay Kapoor will be seen on TV again after 14 years. Earlier in 2003 he had worked in the show 'Karisma: The Miracles of Destiny'.
- Sanjay Kapoor's new show 'Dil Sanbhal Jaa Jara' is the story of a middle-aged man who loves and marries a girl of his age.
- In the meantime, his relation is made from his own mother's wife. Nikki Anneja from this show will also be seen on TV after a long time. She is playing the role of memory of Kalra's mother.
- Producer Vikram Bhatt is the serial and the title of the show has been taken from the song 'Dil sabal ja jara' from the song 'Murder 2'
Sanjay Kapoor will be seen on TV again after 14 years. Earlier in 2003 he had worked in the show 'Karisma: The Miracles of Destiny'.
- Sanjay Kapoor's new show 'Dil Sanbhal Jaa Jara' is the story of a middle-aged man who loves and marries a girl of his age.
- In the meantime, his relation is made from his own mother's wife. Nikki Anneja from this show will also be seen on TV after a long time. She is playing the role of memory of Kalra's mother.
- Producer Vikram Bhatt is the serial and the title of the show has been taken from the song 'Dil sabal ja jara' from the song 'Murder 2'
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