Ranbir Kapoor is once again in the news about his personal life. Recently, some photographs have been revealed with his Pakistani actress, Mahira Khan, who is seen smoking cigarettes on both the streets. Actually these photos are from New York where both are showing time spent together. During this time, Mahira White looks very stunning in the backside short of the color. Also on the back is a love byte like mark.
In July 2017, Ranbir and Mahila reached New York. Where they met
Ranbir had come here for the shooting of Sanjay Dutt's biopic, while the woman came there to meet him. Both of these photos were clicked during this time.
- Let's say, the news of the dating of Ranbir and Mahira started in March 2017 during the Global Teaser Prize.
- Not only did the two appear together in this award, but they were also seen pose with each other on the red carpet.
In July 2017, Ranbir and Mahila reached New York. Where they met
Ranbir had come here for the shooting of Sanjay Dutt's biopic, while the woman came there to meet him. Both of these photos were clicked during this time.
- Let's say, the news of the dating of Ranbir and Mahira started in March 2017 during the Global Teaser Prize.
- Not only did the two appear together in this award, but they were also seen pose with each other on the red carpet.
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