Ram Rahim, who was convicted in the Sadhvi Reape case, had made his Asim in Mumbai too. He had rented three floors in the building named Platinum on the Turner Road Junction of Bandra. Several biggie stars, including Saif Ali Khan and Sanjay Dutt, live around this. Had to take Honeypreet ...
- Saif Ali Khan's house is right next to Platinum Building, which is included in Mumbai's most expensive buildings. Her 500-meter distance is the home of legend actors Dilip Kumar and Sanjay Dutt.
Apart from this, Bollywood actors like Sachin Tendulkar, Salman Khan, Aamir and Shahrukh Khan also live in the same area.
According to media reports, Baba Ram Rahim had rented flat of 202, 1102 and 1202 in Platinum Building.
- The janitor of the building told that Baba Ram Rahim had come here for the day.
On the other hand, Ram Rahim and Honeypreet, on the other hand, had rented duplex flat in C-Facing Building near Juhu Beach in Mumbai.
- In the Riviera Co-operative Society, Honeypreet's flat flat is registered in the name of a person named Yogesh Radhakrishna.
- According to the watchman, Ram Rahim and Hanipreet used to come in this duplex one or two times within a year. The last time in May this year, both were seen.
- Saif Ali Khan's house is right next to Platinum Building, which is included in Mumbai's most expensive buildings. Her 500-meter distance is the home of legend actors Dilip Kumar and Sanjay Dutt.
Apart from this, Bollywood actors like Sachin Tendulkar, Salman Khan, Aamir and Shahrukh Khan also live in the same area.
According to media reports, Baba Ram Rahim had rented flat of 202, 1102 and 1202 in Platinum Building.
- The janitor of the building told that Baba Ram Rahim had come here for the day.
On the other hand, Ram Rahim and Honeypreet, on the other hand, had rented duplex flat in C-Facing Building near Juhu Beach in Mumbai.
- In the Riviera Co-operative Society, Honeypreet's flat flat is registered in the name of a person named Yogesh Radhakrishna.
- According to the watchman, Ram Rahim and Hanipreet used to come in this duplex one or two times within a year. The last time in May this year, both were seen.
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