The most fame couple in cricket and Bollywood is once again in the headlines. This time Virat Kohli's pay has made his fans crazy. On Tuesday night, photos on social media became viral in which Anushka and Virat were seen shooting an ed. But the funny thing was that during the shoot, Virat was mostly focused on beautiful girl Anushka Sharma
On Tuesday night, when Anushka laughing in Lahhnga and Virat Kohli's photo of Sherwani came on social media, the fans started questioning both of their social media accounts. Some said that neither they are secretly married.
However, a Bollywood page informed that these photos are not about any marriage or function, but Virat and Anushka Sharma have to shoot another ad.
On Tuesday night, when Anushka laughing in Lahhnga and Virat Kohli's photo of Sherwani came on social media, the fans started questioning both of their social media accounts. Some said that neither they are secretly married.
However, a Bollywood page informed that these photos are not about any marriage or function, but Virat and Anushka Sharma have to shoot another ad.
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