Padmashri award-winning actor Tom Alter passed away in his home in Mumbai. He was 67 years old. He was undergoing treatment for skin cancer. His manager told this. He had worked in more than 300 films and many TV shows. Tom had written 3 books too. The first person to be interviewed by Sachin Tendulkar in 1988 was Tom. In the hospital there were Admit ...
- According to the news agency, Tom was on the fourth stage of cancer. In September he was admitted to the hospital.
- Tom's manager Ismail Ansari told that he had returned home on September 28 (Thursday). They had trouble breathing on Friday.
- Son Jamie told Tom that he was fighting cancer. They always used to say that I will come out of it. Last year, he had to undergo a thumb.
- According to the news agency, Tom was on the fourth stage of cancer. In September he was admitted to the hospital.
- Tom's manager Ismail Ansari told that he had returned home on September 28 (Thursday). They had trouble breathing on Friday.
- Son Jamie told Tom that he was fighting cancer. They always used to say that I will come out of it. Last year, he had to undergo a thumb.
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