राम रहीम के डेरे में दफन है सैकड़ों लोगों की अस्थियां, इसने खोला राज

On Tuesday evening, the police questioned for nearly two hours from Dr.R. Nain, Senior Vice Chairman, Ram Rahim's true deal, Dere. Nain told that after performing the last rites of the dead, the family used to bring bones in the diner so that they could be suppressed in the land of the dera so that they could be suppressed in the land of the dera. This was done so that the canals were polluted. After pressing more than 500 bones, tree plants were planted on them. SIT Charge DSP Kuldeep said that the answers to Nain are not satisfactory, therefore, apart from Nain, Vipassana can also be repeated again.
