In the past, Kareena Kapoor had a spot with his son Timur in Bandra. Taimur, Naini's lap, Mom was keen to go to Kareena's lap. At the same time, Mahima Chaudhary, who debuted in Bollywood with the film 'Pardesh', recently celebrated his 44th birthday. They had spot in Juhu in the past. Seeing them in the photo, it seems that their weight has increased. He was wearing a black color short dress and was walking alone. In Bandra, Tusshar Kapoor has a spot with the son's goal. Apart from this, many celebs were seen at the airport along with Tapi Pannu, Kareena Kapoor, Daji Shah, Surin Chawla, Anushka Sharma, Salman Khan's sister Arpita Khan son Ahil, Raj Kundra, Sonakshi Sinha, Jacqueline Fernandes, Suraj Pancholi and others. At the same time, the starcast of the upcoming movie 'Twin-2' was seen outside of Mehboob Studios. Due to rain, Varun Dhawan, walking with an umbrella for Jacqueline. Arpita Khan and Ayush Sharma appear outside the cafe
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