शायद ही आपने देखा होगा ऐसा गरबा, हाथों में ये लेकर झूम रही थी लड़कियां

The color of Clean India is now visible in Garba. In the case of cleanliness in the country, number 1 city in the city of Indore, girls garba with sweep and dustpad. The city mayor, who arrived for Afzai, was encouraged by him.

Generally boys-girls carry garlands in their hands, but girls in Indore's Gujarati Girls College garba in a unique way. Before the garba started, the girls wore their hands in one hand and the other in the paddle with a dust tree, the people felt that they would clean the pandals before Garba but suddenly the music started and the girls started bubbling with the broom and the dust tree. .

- There was no hesitation or hesitation in the minds of the girls who were gargling with the new freshly broom in their hands, as they were throbbing the garb of enthusiasm as much as zebra and garba with dandiya. Some professors looking at the girls also started wearing a sweep and started gargling with them.
