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The view which a bird sees while flying is very spectacular and the ramankak. Therefore, a grand, wide and wonderful scene is called a bird's eye. Vihag ie birds It was not possible for the first person to see it as a bird. Then it started to happen from aeroplane, helicopter etc. so that humans could see below the sky very high. Photography also started to sit on them. But this facility was rarely available to the people. After the invention of the drone, photography has not only made it easy, but it has also reached the reach of a lot of people.

Now with the help of drones, photography has become quite popular. Instagram account, called Dronestagram, is dedicated to similar photography. There is also its independent website, where drone photographers can create their profiles.

Right now, the results of the International Drone Photography Contest conducted by Droneastagram were announced. The National Geographic Channel was also a partner in it.

-The panel of jazz selected the winners under different categories based on the creativity of the photographs and their quality. The jury included many experts associated with National Geographic and Droneastagram.

We are showing you the selected photos of this contest. The above picture is the runner-up in the Nature category. It is pulled by Calvin Stein of Bucharest (Rhemania). The title is - Infinite Road to Transylvania
