Nikhi Kumari, who had gone out of the village to meet the boyfriend at midnight, caught the boy in a disgraceful situation with the lover Chandan Kumar. The incident is from the night of September 10. At night, the family members of the girl married Chandana and Nikki with the help of the people of the village. After the marriage, Nikki felt that Chandan, now a husband with a lover, will take him to his in-laws, but it did not happen. For the past four days, Nikki is looking forward to the hopeful husband going to her in-laws, but husband is afraid to take her home.
This case belongs to Ratanpura village of Godpur in Vaishali district of Bihar. Niki Tiwari's granddaughter, Nimki Tiwari of Hoshipur, lives in Nani Nagendra Chaudhari in her Nanihal Ratanpura.
- She had fallen in love with Chandan, son of Ajay Singh of Agpur of Lajanganj. Chandan was coming to meet Nikki for a long time.
- On Friday, Nikki told that his love affair with Chandan has been running for the past three years.
- The sandalwood was called by him to promise marriage. On Sundays, he went to meet Chandan in this same hoax.
- Nikki told that Chandan got married, but the in-laws are not accepting him. The in-laws have told Chandan that if he comes home with his wife, he will be killed and the body will be thrown.
This case belongs to Ratanpura village of Godpur in Vaishali district of Bihar. Niki Tiwari's granddaughter, Nimki Tiwari of Hoshipur, lives in Nani Nagendra Chaudhari in her Nanihal Ratanpura.
- She had fallen in love with Chandan, son of Ajay Singh of Agpur of Lajanganj. Chandan was coming to meet Nikki for a long time.
- On Friday, Nikki told that his love affair with Chandan has been running for the past three years.
- The sandalwood was called by him to promise marriage. On Sundays, he went to meet Chandan in this same hoax.
- Nikki told that Chandan got married, but the in-laws are not accepting him. The in-laws have told Chandan that if he comes home with his wife, he will be killed and the body will be thrown.
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