Comedian Bharti Singh has recently made funky photoshoot with the fiancé Harsh. In these photos, Bharati is looking at Harsh and sometimes she is getting milk from the bottle. Not only this, they are also seen to have a beer in Harsh for a photo. Tell that both of you will marry in December this year. Bharti lowered 10 kg weight ...
Bharti Singh said that in the last few months he has lost 10 kilos of his weight. He said, "I have a lot of green tea to lose weight" At the same time, Harsh says that he loves Bharati and his size does not matter. Please tell that both photo photographer Luv IVr has clicked. In photos, Bharti and Harsh are seen in the funny and romantic mood.
Bharti Singh said that in the last few months he has lost 10 kilos of his weight. He said, "I have a lot of green tea to lose weight" At the same time, Harsh says that he loves Bharati and his size does not matter. Please tell that both photo photographer Luv IVr has clicked. In photos, Bharti and Harsh are seen in the funny and romantic mood.
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