Actor Urvashi Rautela, seen in the film 'Great Grand Masti', will be seen in the film 'Hate Story 4' soon. Urvashi has put a condition for this film which is made on a very bold subject. Urvashi has cleared filmmakers that they will not make the Passionate Lavender sequence in this movie.
According to reports, Urvashi has cleared her contract in order to avoid lavaking ceilings in the film.
According to Urvashi, she wants to get out of her bold image, and for this, she will now do a movie or scene, which is for a family audience. That is why they want to avoid the skin show.
According to Urvashi's spokesperson, Urvashi has never done lavacing scenes. Anyway, Hate Story 3 had a lot of skin show, but its offending part would be quite different.
- In view of Urvashi's decision, the makers have also decided to keep the film bold. In such a situation, Urvashi will now only be seen romancing with the hero.
According to reports, Urvashi has cleared her contract in order to avoid lavaking ceilings in the film.
According to Urvashi, she wants to get out of her bold image, and for this, she will now do a movie or scene, which is for a family audience. That is why they want to avoid the skin show.
According to Urvashi's spokesperson, Urvashi has never done lavacing scenes. Anyway, Hate Story 3 had a lot of skin show, but its offending part would be quite different.
- In view of Urvashi's decision, the makers have also decided to keep the film bold. In such a situation, Urvashi will now only be seen romancing with the hero.
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