A shocking case has emerged from a woman named Kathleen Davis of Florida. The 58-year-old woman had a sexual relationship with her own daughter's 33-year-old husband Michael. When Michael disclosed this to Wife, the relationship of both of them broke, after which the mother of the girl who was related to Michael tried to crush Michael on Mercedes
After the disclosure, Michael's mother-in-law, Kathleen, followed the car to kill him. When Michael one day saw him in the courtyard of the house, he hit the car several times and tried to make a car. However, he could not succeed.
- Kathleen was arrested after this incident. However, after being in prison for two days, Kathleen was given Bell after 30 thousand dollars of bonds.
After the disclosure, Michael's mother-in-law, Kathleen, followed the car to kill him. When Michael one day saw him in the courtyard of the house, he hit the car several times and tried to make a car. However, he could not succeed.
- Kathleen was arrested after this incident. However, after being in prison for two days, Kathleen was given Bell after 30 thousand dollars of bonds.
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