In Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, when roads were not constructed even after lakhs of villages, the villagers themselves took charge of it. Villagers have to undergo a water-filled and muddy road in Silverpura, 48 kilometers from the headquarter. But the villagers took the resolution and joined the Panchayat Secretary to start the road without any help from the government.
This road, 800 meters from Muram, has reached the stage of preparation. This road will be fully prepared in the next two days. The residents of the Vaigongas did not have demand for CC or asphalt road, they were demanding the road of Muram there but they did not even get it.
Administrative officers including Panchayat Sheopur did not even worry about there. Due to water filling, especially the women and children, especially the women and children, the problem arose. This was the reason that the youth of the troubled village started mobilizing the courage and in forming the aggregated road. The rugged bogey of mud has now started to look flat. Panchayat Secretary Ramsevak, Ravi Gurjar, Trola Gurjar, Jagdish Gurjar, Man Singh, and Lakhan Gurjar played an important role in making this path easier.
In Chandpura no tractor came forward with a dozer. At the same time the youths of the village did the work of the laborers and the road started to be formed. On Sunday-Monday, more than two dozen youth roads were seen flattening. For the JCB and tractors for this road, the Panchayat Secretary arranged diesel from his own pocket, the villagers had installed their tractors.
This road, 800 meters from Muram, has reached the stage of preparation. This road will be fully prepared in the next two days. The residents of the Vaigongas did not have demand for CC or asphalt road, they were demanding the road of Muram there but they did not even get it.
Administrative officers including Panchayat Sheopur did not even worry about there. Due to water filling, especially the women and children, especially the women and children, the problem arose. This was the reason that the youth of the troubled village started mobilizing the courage and in forming the aggregated road. The rugged bogey of mud has now started to look flat. Panchayat Secretary Ramsevak, Ravi Gurjar, Trola Gurjar, Jagdish Gurjar, Man Singh, and Lakhan Gurjar played an important role in making this path easier.
In Chandpura no tractor came forward with a dozer. At the same time the youths of the village did the work of the laborers and the road started to be formed. On Sunday-Monday, more than two dozen youth roads were seen flattening. For the JCB and tractors for this road, the Panchayat Secretary arranged diesel from his own pocket, the villagers had installed their tractors.
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