To play the third ODI of the ODI series, India and Australia cricket teams reached Indore at around four o'clock on Friday evening. Both teams left the airport directly to the hotel. When former captain MS Dhaney was heading towards the bus after leaving the airport, a prominent Indore police officer welcomed him welcomed him as All the Best. In reply, Mahi has won two matches - in two formats. Will win in Indore
Dhoni's words proved right that means Team India won in Indore if it was a proud moment for Indore in cricket history.
Actually, Team India has not won five consecutive one-day matches at any one stadium. In Sharjah, Mirpur, Delhi and Visakhapatnam, India has won four consecutive matches.
- If you win Holkar on Sunday, it will be the first time that India will win five ODIs at any stadium.
Dhoni's words proved right that means Team India won in Indore if it was a proud moment for Indore in cricket history.
Actually, Team India has not won five consecutive one-day matches at any one stadium. In Sharjah, Mirpur, Delhi and Visakhapatnam, India has won four consecutive matches.
- If you win Holkar on Sunday, it will be the first time that India will win five ODIs at any stadium.
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