Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anil Kapoor starrer 'Funena Khan' have started shooting. Rajkumar Rao is also working in this. In the film, Aishwarya is playing a famous singer and her character will be quite bold and glamorous. However, despite her Aishwarya, she has now stopped doing lavamaking and steamy cens. Aishwarya ready to work on this condition ...
According to reports, Aishwarya has signed this film only on condition that she will not shoot any intimate scenes with Co-star in it.
During the shooting of the movie "Aye Dil Hai Koot", Aishwarya had said that she has no hesitation in making bold sequences. My comfort level should be with the bus director. I know my character very well. We know how a movie shoots and many things matter in it.
According to reports, Aishwarya has signed this film only on condition that she will not shoot any intimate scenes with Co-star in it.
During the shooting of the movie "Aye Dil Hai Koot", Aishwarya had said that she has no hesitation in making bold sequences. My comfort level should be with the bus director. I know my character very well. We know how a movie shoots and many things matter in it.
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