अचानक इस एक्ट्रेस ने उतार दी को-स्टार की पैंट, फिर जो हुआ...

Riya Sen is Famous in Bollywood for her Hot & Bold Style. These days, they are busy shooting for the web series 'Ragini MMS Returns'. During the shooting, Riya Sen suddenly did something that everyone was surprised to see. Actually, he lifted his pants to his mail-star Nishant Malkani's pants in front of everyone. Not only this, Riya, taking down Nishant's pants, also said that women would love to see him like this. Suddenly, with this move suddenly, Shanked was shocked. Love Making Sean was shooting ...

Nishant Malikani told in an interview after the interaction with him that he and Riya Sen were shooting a lav mastering scene for this web series. In the meanwhile, Riya was happy and gave a hymn that she would pull down my pants and make my butt flutter, like John Abraham did in the movie 'Dostana 2' (Upcoming). I ignored her this thing.
