इस शख्स ने पैसों से किया ऐसा खिलवाड़, देखकर उड़ा देगे होश

इस शख्स ने पैसों से किया ऐसा खिलवाड़, देखकर उड़ा देगे होश

            Making coins from coins is easy. But as soon as it increases its height more than a limit, it becomes difficult to stand upright and it falls.

But there is an artist who leaves the tower, but also spoons of coins on the spoon, creates such unnecessary things which will actually cause your breath to stop.

This artist has developed such works that many theories of physics including gravity have failed.

 The interesting thing is that he himself did not know that this talent is hidden inside him. One day when he was getting bored, he started playing with the bicks to cut the time and started making the towers. Gradually he started to enjoy this work. Seeing this, he became so much expert in this work that now his fan follow up on social media.

Now it is now that he sweats hours behind his crazy designs. Many times disappointments are handled during this time, but when the unscrupulous thing is ready, then do not delay in sharing its picture with the people.
