Jammu and Kashmir cricketer Parvez Rasool has made a tremendous start in the Duleep Trophy tournament. Rasool, playing for India Green team, jumped five wickets for 70 runs against India Blue. India Blue team captain Suresh Raina. Raina's team was all out for 177 runs in 52 overs on the first day of the match
28-year-old all-rounder Parvesh Rasool is from Jammu and Kashmir. He is the second Kashmiri cricketer to play for Team India.
- Parvez Rasool, who was playing in the CK Nayudu Under-22 tournament in 2009, was hit by tremendous shock when the police reached him in the hope of being a terrorist.
Actually, then the Champions League T20 tournament was going on in Bangalore. Then the police got the news that some cricketers lodged in the Cricket Association Complex of the Stadium were explosive in the bag.
- The apostles also stayed here too. Then on the basis of this suspicion, the police had interrogated Parvez Rasool for several hours. However, Rasool proved to be spotless here.
28-year-old all-rounder Parvesh Rasool is from Jammu and Kashmir. He is the second Kashmiri cricketer to play for Team India.
- Parvez Rasool, who was playing in the CK Nayudu Under-22 tournament in 2009, was hit by tremendous shock when the police reached him in the hope of being a terrorist.
Actually, then the Champions League T20 tournament was going on in Bangalore. Then the police got the news that some cricketers lodged in the Cricket Association Complex of the Stadium were explosive in the bag.
- The apostles also stayed here too. Then on the basis of this suspicion, the police had interrogated Parvez Rasool for several hours. However, Rasool proved to be spotless here.
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