Gurmeet Ram Rahim, who is serving a 20-year sentence, is being photographed viral on social media. These photos belong to his youth, in which he is seen eating food. It is said that Gurmeet Ram Rahim is eating meat and drinking alcohol.
After Ramchandra Chattrapati's death, his elder son Anshul Chhatrapati, his father's newspaper is running the whole truth.
- The entire Hindi newspaper has published news on August 21, 2007 with this photo of Gurmeet Ram Rahim. It has been mentioned in that Gurmeet Ram Rahim advises others not to eat alcohol and meat but they have called a lot of goats in their youth. The entire newspaper was published by the newspaper, quoting Sukh Rahal, a resident of Rahm Rahim's friend Sahuwala first.
After Ramchandra Chattrapati's death, his elder son Anshul Chhatrapati, his father's newspaper is running the whole truth.
- The entire Hindi newspaper has published news on August 21, 2007 with this photo of Gurmeet Ram Rahim. It has been mentioned in that Gurmeet Ram Rahim advises others not to eat alcohol and meat but they have called a lot of goats in their youth. The entire newspaper was published by the newspaper, quoting Sukh Rahal, a resident of Rahm Rahim's friend Sahuwala first.
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