लाखों के इंजेक्शंस ले महिला ने बनाया ऐसा हाल की...

Germany's Martina Big is once again in the discussion. Recently, Martina had become part of a TV show, where she described herself as black in front of people. Never wanted to look like a white glamor model, Martina Barbie. He made such a situation for the same hobby. Injections seem to be like this ...

Martina spent about 45 lakh rupees for this look. They used several tanning injections to darken the skin color so that their white skin brown appeared. Recently Martin became part of The Maury Show where he said that Black is Black. At the same time he said that because of his color he now feels very good. Martin's desire to move to Africa soon. He cast melanin in his body through injection. Let us know that the color of our body is black, when the body produces melanin more amounts.
