Mahender Kapoor started his film career with the song "Aap Ke Too .." from the movie 'Madamast'. On Wednesday, Mahendra Kapoor has 9th death anniversary. He sang specially memorable songs in BR Chopra's films Humaraz, Ghumraah, Dhool Ka Phool, Waqt, Dhund. Like every time, even this time their families will remember their head by havan at home
Rohan explains that after every achievement, thanks to Hanuman ji in the temple of Hanuman ji, he had become a habit in his habit. Indeed, his devotion to Lord Vaishno Devi and Hanuman ji was incredible. The devotees of Hanuman ji were from the same time, when they went to St. Xavier's School in the temple of Mahabali situated near 'Metro Cinema', they were included in their daily routine.
Recalling the same story, Rohan says that I remember when he was recording the song "Durga Hai My Mum ..." of 'Kranti' in 'Mahabob' studio. It was a very difficult song, one of the heaviest orchestra, then the song is also a high lease. Well, as soon as he came out of the recording, Manoj Kumar, along with musicologist Laxmikant-Pyarelal, tied the bridge of praise - "Mahindra ji, you made us mesmerized." Went up to and went straight to the temple of Hanuman ji built in Khar. When I asked for the reason when I returned home, I said with great humility: 'Rohan, we have to give thanks to God ... it is the grace of God and the power of that, which helps us to make our work good!'
Rohan explains that after every achievement, thanks to Hanuman ji in the temple of Hanuman ji, he had become a habit in his habit. Indeed, his devotion to Lord Vaishno Devi and Hanuman ji was incredible. The devotees of Hanuman ji were from the same time, when they went to St. Xavier's School in the temple of Mahabali situated near 'Metro Cinema', they were included in their daily routine.
Recalling the same story, Rohan says that I remember when he was recording the song "Durga Hai My Mum ..." of 'Kranti' in 'Mahabob' studio. It was a very difficult song, one of the heaviest orchestra, then the song is also a high lease. Well, as soon as he came out of the recording, Manoj Kumar, along with musicologist Laxmikant-Pyarelal, tied the bridge of praise - "Mahindra ji, you made us mesmerized." Went up to and went straight to the temple of Hanuman ji built in Khar. When I asked for the reason when I returned home, I said with great humility: 'Rohan, we have to give thanks to God ... it is the grace of God and the power of that, which helps us to make our work good!'
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