Actor Sanjay Dutt, wearing a Rajasthani dhoti and shiny kurta wearing glasses, was seriously seen walking in the Marble Chowk Garden of Lalgarh Palace on Monday morning for somebody's waiting. The shots of roaming in this style were filmed on them. Shot OK after two to three retakes
It was a sight to shoot the film Saab Biwi and Gangster Part-3. Sanjay Dutt took part in the shooting of Laxminwas and different parts of Lalgarh Palace on Monday.
- On Sanjay Dutt, some scenes were filmed at the Marbal Chowk Garden of Lalgarh Palace during this time.
While shooting during the shooting, Sanjay Dutt's father, Kabir Bedi and mother-in-law Nafisa Ali, along with Deepak Tijori, Chitrangada and Deepraj Rana shot the shot inside Lalgarh Palace.
It was a sight to shoot the film Saab Biwi and Gangster Part-3. Sanjay Dutt took part in the shooting of Laxminwas and different parts of Lalgarh Palace on Monday.
- On Sanjay Dutt, some scenes were filmed at the Marbal Chowk Garden of Lalgarh Palace during this time.
While shooting during the shooting, Sanjay Dutt's father, Kabir Bedi and mother-in-law Nafisa Ali, along with Deepak Tijori, Chitrangada and Deepraj Rana shot the shot inside Lalgarh Palace.
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