Sachin Tendulkar reached Bandra Band Stand Beach on Tuesday and lifted the garbage spreading along the middle of his hand. His cleaning campaign included Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray's son Aditya Thakre and his supporters. All together, cleaned the middle of the dirt. His son Arjun also joined this cleaning campaign. Sachin said - sorry to see dirt ....
- Sachin Bachchan, who was involved in this cleaning campaign named 'Sanatai Hai Seva' started by the Mumbai BMC, stayed on till about half an hour and kept clean.
- After completing the cleanliness drive, Sachin said, "Every man will have to understand his responsibility." We are not sure that there is so much dirt on the beach, so much waste on every single foot hurts. It will be clean but rather a healthy India. How can we dirty what we call our Bharat Mata? "
- Let us know that before this, Sachin Tendulkar has been involved in cleanliness campaign in Mumbai. Aditya Thakre too has done the cleaning of the beach with film stars many times.
- Posting on this Twitter campaign, on Twitter, Aditya appealed to people to keep clean on the beach.
- In this cleaning campaign, his son Arjun was also involved with Sachin. This is the first time Arjun has joined publicly such programs.
- Sachin Bachchan, who was involved in this cleaning campaign named 'Sanatai Hai Seva' started by the Mumbai BMC, stayed on till about half an hour and kept clean.
- After completing the cleanliness drive, Sachin said, "Every man will have to understand his responsibility." We are not sure that there is so much dirt on the beach, so much waste on every single foot hurts. It will be clean but rather a healthy India. How can we dirty what we call our Bharat Mata? "
- Let us know that before this, Sachin Tendulkar has been involved in cleanliness campaign in Mumbai. Aditya Thakre too has done the cleaning of the beach with film stars many times.
- Posting on this Twitter campaign, on Twitter, Aditya appealed to people to keep clean on the beach.
- In this cleaning campaign, his son Arjun was also involved with Sachin. This is the first time Arjun has joined publicly such programs.
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