बच्चे को जन्म देते ही डर गई थी मां, इलाज के लिए बनाई ऐसी बॉडी

Acceptance is very important for any person in the society. This comes from Confidence. But many times people do not shy away from joking up to sick children. Something like this happens with 5 years of dialing. When Dylan was born in the hospital, her mother was also scared to see him. Mother is standing in every trouble ...

In the hospital, Admit Kara gave birth to her baby as soon as she was seen, she was shocked. There were strange marks on the whole body of the child. These berthmarks were spread over 80 percent of the body of dialen. But these marks were not a concern for doctors but rather a matter of concern. More fear than the mark was that Dylan did not have skin cancer. Actually, Dylan Giant was suffering from a condition called congenital melanovacic nerves. This condition can be seen in any one of the 50 thousand children. Most people suffer from this disease suffer from skin cancer. Kara decided to cooperate with her son in every situation and wherever there was a possibility of his treatment, he went there. Many times people talk about watching Dylan, but Cara never left her son together. They go shopping with him in the mall and are very happy with him.
