Recently, Amisha Patel was spotted at Mumbai airport. During this Ameesha White appeared in upper, lower and shoes. They had carved a bag of black sunglasses and 'Versace Chaos' counters. The cost of this bag is equal to Apple McBook (laptop) i.e. 775 dollars (Rs 50713). Let me tell you, last seen in 2013, 'Shortcut Romeo'
In 2000, Amisha stepped into Bollywood with the film 'Kaho Naa Pyar Hai', directed by Rakesh Roshan.
- A few people know that in the beginning, Amisha had refused to work in this film because she wanted to continue her studies.
- The success of 'Kaho na pyaar hai' made him an overnight star. After this Ameesha appeared in 'Gadar: Ek Premkatha' with Sunny Deol in 2001.
- His film also earned record breaks. In the film, Ameesha got the Filmfare Special Award for acting actress.
After this, Ameesha worked in films such as 'Yeh Hai Jalwa', 'Parvana', 'Elaan', 'Jamir', 'Vada', 'Mangal Pandey'.
Apart from Hindi films, Ameesha has also worked in Tamil and Telugu films. He is also Bharatnatyam's trend dancer.
In 2000, Amisha stepped into Bollywood with the film 'Kaho Naa Pyar Hai', directed by Rakesh Roshan.
- A few people know that in the beginning, Amisha had refused to work in this film because she wanted to continue her studies.
- The success of 'Kaho na pyaar hai' made him an overnight star. After this Ameesha appeared in 'Gadar: Ek Premkatha' with Sunny Deol in 2001.
- His film also earned record breaks. In the film, Ameesha got the Filmfare Special Award for acting actress.
After this, Ameesha worked in films such as 'Yeh Hai Jalwa', 'Parvana', 'Elaan', 'Jamir', 'Vada', 'Mangal Pandey'.
Apart from Hindi films, Ameesha has also worked in Tamil and Telugu films. He is also Bharatnatyam's trend dancer.
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