The mystery of Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim, which has been closed since August 25 in Haryana's Sunaria Jail, has now started to appear openly. Former Sage Gurdas Tyur, who lived with the rapist Baba for 6 years, has made many astonishing revelations before, and now once again he told the media that many grand events were organized here at Ram Rahim. One of these is 'Rub-Rub Mast-Mast Roahani Knight'. Know what happened in this event ...
- Gurdas Tur said that Baba used to change clothes by changing clothes in 'Rub-Rub Mast-Mast Roohani Knight'.
The songs that were sung or played during this period were also very strange, like 'Son is in the month and take a bath with us' and 'Love Charger' etc.
According to Gurudas, in this event, Baba had adopted a different way of earning money and used to dancing with the girls in different costumes.
- He used to collect tickets worth lakhs of rupees from those who sat in the front lines and as the distance to see the dance progressed, the ticket money would have been reduced.
- Gurdas Tur said that Baba used to change clothes by changing clothes in 'Rub-Rub Mast-Mast Roohani Knight'.
The songs that were sung or played during this period were also very strange, like 'Son is in the month and take a bath with us' and 'Love Charger' etc.
According to Gurudas, in this event, Baba had adopted a different way of earning money and used to dancing with the girls in different costumes.
- He used to collect tickets worth lakhs of rupees from those who sat in the front lines and as the distance to see the dance progressed, the ticket money would have been reduced.
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