In the name of tradition, in Tamil Nadu's Madurai, young girls of toddlers are topless and kept in the Yezhaikatha Amman Temple for 15 days. Here they are worshiped in goddess form, but no cloth is worn on the upper part of the body. However, this time the collector has shown strictness to cover the entire body of girls. Along with the kin have ordered to stay with the daughters. People from more than 60 villages included ...
Actually, here, in the name of old religious custom, 7 or more girls are decorated in the form of Goddess.
During this time, the upper part of their body is discharged, while they can wear dhoti cloth below the waist.
- Under this tradition, people from more than 60 villages around Madurai are involved.
- Those girls (who have not yet begun periods) are worshiped in Goddess form for 15 days by visiting the Amman temple.
- This is also the same form of 'Devadasi custom' which was once banned in 1988.
Apart from staying away from home, these girls are also denied education for 15 days. - On the end of this festival festival, five boys remove the clothes of those girls, which makes them nude.
Actually, here, in the name of old religious custom, 7 or more girls are decorated in the form of Goddess.
During this time, the upper part of their body is discharged, while they can wear dhoti cloth below the waist.
- Under this tradition, people from more than 60 villages around Madurai are involved.
- Those girls (who have not yet begun periods) are worshiped in Goddess form for 15 days by visiting the Amman temple.
- This is also the same form of 'Devadasi custom' which was once banned in 1988.
Apart from staying away from home, these girls are also denied education for 15 days. - On the end of this festival festival, five boys remove the clothes of those girls, which makes them nude.
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