In the Sadhvi sexual abuse case, Ram Rahim is serving a 20-year sentence in Rohtak jail, but there are new shocking revelations about Baba everyday. A former nurse of the dera has exposed the black act of rapist Baba. How did Gurmeet cross the limits of sin by making girls their prey? In this work Honeypreet accompanied her
Talking to a TV channel, former Sadhvi has revealed sensationalism about Honeypreet.
The way Baba tells Honeypreet his daughter is all wrong. She does not have her daughter.
- Sadhvi told that Honeypreet used to trap girls in the camp. He used to take them inside the cave.
- To take the girls to Baba, Honeypreet used to say, Come on, he is our God to get blessings from Baba.
- Honeypreet used to brainwash Saadhvi's. She used to say that she is God, she can do anything she can do.
Honeypreet had separated Baba from the whole family. Even so, due to 'Honey', Baba and wife had distances.
Talking to a TV channel, former Sadhvi has revealed sensationalism about Honeypreet.
The way Baba tells Honeypreet his daughter is all wrong. She does not have her daughter.
- Sadhvi told that Honeypreet used to trap girls in the camp. He used to take them inside the cave.
- To take the girls to Baba, Honeypreet used to say, Come on, he is our God to get blessings from Baba.
- Honeypreet used to brainwash Saadhvi's. She used to say that she is God, she can do anything she can do.
Honeypreet had separated Baba from the whole family. Even so, due to 'Honey', Baba and wife had distances.
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