क्या आप जानते है शरीर से होठों का रंग अलग क्यों होता है ?

Do you know the part of your body without which you can not express your love? Yes, we are talking about your lips. You can not say the letter 'g' without mixing lips. We know you're also trying. You make funky fish like those fish, otherwise they will not be able to make it without lips.

One particular thing about lips is that its color is very different from the color of the body. You may also be thinking that there are many other parts of the body that are different from the color of the body. So at the moment we are talking about lips Let's see why this happens.

Do you know that the outer layer of your skin is called Apermermis and the inner layer is called dermis. There is another layer in the apidermis called stratum corneum. The work of this layer is to protect your skin. This thing has happened to the skin. Let's see what happens in the lips. There are three layers in the lips too, but the thickness of the stratum corneum is as thick as the skin, not as thick in the lips
