Bollywood's famous actor Prem Chopra has been 82 years old. Born on September 23, 1935 in a Punjabi family in Lahore (Pakistan), Prem is known for his dialogue especially in films. Prem Chopra's daughter Punita is married to actor Vikal Bhalla. The name of the daughter of Vikas and Puneita is Sanchi. According to the reports, Sanchi is also preparing to make films
Recently there were reports that Sunny Deol is preparing to launch his son Karan Deol. In February this year, she had selected 48 out of 200 girls, who can debut with Karan in the film. However, these selections have stopped at seven girls at the moment. Well, according to the source, Vikas Bhalla's daughter Sanchi Bhalla is at the top of this list.
Recently there were reports that Sunny Deol is preparing to launch his son Karan Deol. In February this year, she had selected 48 out of 200 girls, who can debut with Karan in the film. However, these selections have stopped at seven girls at the moment. Well, according to the source, Vikas Bhalla's daughter Sanchi Bhalla is at the top of this list.
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