Ram Rahim, who is serving 20 years of rape in two cases, is lodged in the Sunaria jail. All the prisoners are getting disturbed because of Ram Rahim. This has been disclosed by the prisoner Somu Pandit, who has been released from jail. He said that due to his arrival in Ram Rahim jail, the security has been tightly tightened and the common prisoners are facing the brunt of security. Other prisoners have started hating him.
- A prisoner released from jail Somu Pandit told in the media that Gurmeet was allowed to come out of the application cell at 7 pm on Thursday and after that he came to the canteen between 15-20 security personnel. Here he took the things he needed. After that he went back to jail.
- The inmates of this security are facing the common inmates. Everyone has been stopped in the barracks, no one is allowed to come out. In other cases, other prisoners have begun to hate Gurmeet.
That is the danger to the administration that Ram Rahim can also be attacked in jail. That's why her security link is.
- A prisoner released from jail Somu Pandit told in the media that Gurmeet was allowed to come out of the application cell at 7 pm on Thursday and after that he came to the canteen between 15-20 security personnel. Here he took the things he needed. After that he went back to jail.
- The inmates of this security are facing the common inmates. Everyone has been stopped in the barracks, no one is allowed to come out. In other cases, other prisoners have begun to hate Gurmeet.
That is the danger to the administration that Ram Rahim can also be attacked in jail. That's why her security link is.
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