Amitabh Bachchan has gone through fluctuations like a movie career. Even more shocking is the story of Ram Sethi who has played his friend in films, most of whom are also known by the name of Pyarelal. He got this name only after the role of Amitabh's friend Pyarelala Awara in the film 'Mukaddar Ka Sikandar' (1978). There was a time when Pyarelal got off to work and they almost came to the pavement. He disclosed this in an interview.
In an interview given to an English website in 2012, Ram Sethi had said, "After 1993, I was almost on the brink of collapse. At the age of 53 I had to support the family and I had no work. I also saw the round when I did not have the money to eat. I had come completely on the sidewalk. Prakashji (Prakash Mehra) helped me very much at that time. "
Somehow, I did that round some time later in 1994, some TV directors approached me and gave me an opportunity to act, at that time I used to get 2000 rupees a day, and I worked on TV for about four years. "
In an interview given to an English website in 2012, Ram Sethi had said, "After 1993, I was almost on the brink of collapse. At the age of 53 I had to support the family and I had no work. I also saw the round when I did not have the money to eat. I had come completely on the sidewalk. Prakashji (Prakash Mehra) helped me very much at that time. "
Somehow, I did that round some time later in 1994, some TV directors approached me and gave me an opportunity to act, at that time I used to get 2000 rupees a day, and I worked on TV for about four years. "
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