पहले ऐसा होता था मोबाइल फोन, देखिए कॉमन चीजें शुरू में कैसी थीं

पहले ऐसा होता था मोबाइल फोन, देखिए कॉमन चीजें शुरू में कैसी थीं

           We are surprised to see our own childhood photo, how much we have changed. Along with similar things, especially with the popular products. The products are constantly changing, they are changed according to the market demand and needs.

The technology also becomes modern. This leads to big things being small. And after a few years, only the name remains the same, everything else has changed. Let's look at the early form of popular products ...

This is the story of all the things like mobile phones, cars, motorcycles, computers, cameras, laptops. Seeing their initial form, most people probably could not believe that these things were such.

-Make a mobile phone for the season. Today mobile phones have become smart. The computer has also been expired within the thin-phone and in addition to doing basic work, the mobile phones are doing all things like clock, personal assistant, computer.

The above picture is of the first mobile phone of Siemens. The model, called Mobil Telephone C1, came in 1985. Even though it was 'mobile', that used to move, but as a phone it had to pick up this heavy box.
