Photos of Akshay Kumar's mother-in-law Dimple Kapadia and Sunny Deol are getting viral on social media. In this, Dimple is sitting on a bus stop in London and looks like cigarette's puff. He is also sitting with Sunny Deol. Both of these photos were taken by a fan in London on August 9 and uploaded the video on the Internet.
By the way, many Bollywood stars who have long-term cigarette cigarette smokes in real life but not just reel. Many times they have been seen smoking openly in public events or parties. Not only this, many of them are also chain smokers. The biggest thing is that in the smokeless stars, not only actors but also many actresses.
By the way, many Bollywood stars who have long-term cigarette cigarette smokes in real life but not just reel. Many times they have been seen smoking openly in public events or parties. Not only this, many of them are also chain smokers. The biggest thing is that in the smokeless stars, not only actors but also many actresses.
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