Comedy show 'The Great Indian Laughter Challenge', ready to be seen as Super Judge in the upcoming fifth season, actor Akshay Kumar says that legendary actor Charlie Chaplin was a great comedian. And he keeps his picture in his wallet.
Akshay said during the episode of the show, "Charlie Chaplin is undoubtedly the greatest comedian. To date, my picture is in my wallet. I personally believe in his saying, 'If life is seen closely, it is a tragedy, but it is a comedy in a far away sight.
Apart from Akshay in the show, Mallika Dua, Zakir Khan and Hussein Dalal will also appear as mentors.
The broadcast of 'The Great Indian Laughter Challenge' will soon be on the television channel Star Plus.
Akshay said during the episode of the show, "Charlie Chaplin is undoubtedly the greatest comedian. To date, my picture is in my wallet. I personally believe in his saying, 'If life is seen closely, it is a tragedy, but it is a comedy in a far away sight.
Apart from Akshay in the show, Mallika Dua, Zakir Khan and Hussein Dalal will also appear as mentors.
The broadcast of 'The Great Indian Laughter Challenge' will soon be on the television channel Star Plus.
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