हर कोई रहना चाहेगा इन अनोखे घरों में, दिखने में लगते हैं अजीब

People around the world like to live in different types of homes.

This cute house has been built with inspiration from the 1990 Dutch cartoon.

This house in France has solar panels that keep the house cool in summer and warm in winter.

Moses Sefdi made this stately home in Canada. Initially these blocks were made for thesis only, but then people started living in it.

Mathi Suron designed this house as a space shuttle. After this many such houses were built in the whole world.

This house is very difficult to see because it is made of whole glass. Here people come from rents in vacations

This beautiful house was built by Xavier Cinossen. People are entangled from the whole world to see this house.
