Anandvardhana is an actor. Those who have been known for the film Suryavansham and Mr. Manjunath. He was 5 years old when he starred in the Ramayanaam film. He played the role of Valmiki Hanuman in the film. Anand Vardhan's debut film, as a child actor, started his feature film with the acting of Jagatpati Babu.
He has worked with many top heroes in the 1990s. Anand Vardhan also influenced Bollywood circuit with his extraordinary acting talent and got the chance to work in the remake of Suryavansham with Bollywood's Megastar Amitabh Bachchan. Suryavansham, Sri Manjunath, Manandhatha Nune, Aggarwar Pavara, Priyaragloo, Primanchuchundam are some of his films. He played an important role in the hit films of Suryavansham, Sri Manjunath. He's away from the TV screen for the past 12 years.
He has worked with many top heroes in the 1990s. Anand Vardhan also influenced Bollywood circuit with his extraordinary acting talent and got the chance to work in the remake of Suryavansham with Bollywood's Megastar Amitabh Bachchan. Suryavansham, Sri Manjunath, Manandhatha Nune, Aggarwar Pavara, Priyaragloo, Primanchuchundam are some of his films. He played an important role in the hit films of Suryavansham, Sri Manjunath. He's away from the TV screen for the past 12 years.
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