हनीप्रीत के हनीमून का खुला राज, पूर्व पति बोला- बाबा ने तबाह कर दी जिंदगी

Where is Honeypreet, the idea is not to the police yet. Honeypreet's former husband, Vishwas Gupta, has done many revelations. Now he has shared his photo and photo album till his honeymoon.

Trust Gupta is currently living in Karnal. They are scared after their disclosures about Honeypreet. For this, the Karnal Police has provided them two policemen for safety. Who are living with them for 24 hours. Vishwas Gupta is demanding the first case with him and increasing the security so that he can live peacefully.

Biswas Gupta also appeared on his own and Honeypreet's wedding album. On 14 February 1999, Honeypreet and Vishwas Gupta were married.

Faith shared the photo album and said that everything went fine after the marriage, but on the day Baba made Honeypreet his daughter, everything started to get disturbed since that day. From then on, the distances were made between their relationships and the divorce took place.
