ये हैं नेचुरल वंडर्स, मन माेह लेती हैं ये खूबसूरत जगाह

It is said that there is nothing more amazing than nature. The particles of nature have a mystery and surprise. Whether it is a small worm or a drop of water or a big mountain and the rainbow spread in the sky, where you look, there will be a surprise. Nature's artwork shines. It is true that everything is a scientific reason and the person has identified many such reasons, but despite the secret of any matter, the charm of his beauty does not diminish.

The rocks appearing in the above picture are called golden cliffs according to their color. In the Yakutia area of ​​Russia it is spread over 100 km along the banks of the Sinaiya River. The shape of these rocks makes them special. When the sun shines on them, they look like gold.

Local people call them singing rocks, because many times when the wind passes through these rocks, whistle-like sounds emerge. In 2015, UNESCO declared these rocks as World Heritage.
