In the Biwar police station area of Hamirpur district 12 days ago, a man named Santosh died from a molten tractor trolley overturning. The allegation is that the deceased was a tractor driver of village Verma Singh, wife of village Jyoti Singh. When the illegal mining was going to Santosh village from the river Varma, then the tractor was reversed in deep pits.
After recovering the tractor, the body of Santosh was pressurized under the tractor for 10 hours. After which the villagers protested against the police by depositing them in protest. A case was registered against Veeru Singh on the demand of the family after a lot of turmoil.
- In this case, to remove his husband's name, village head Jyoti Singh reached the collectorate along with the villagers. Demanding the release of the report from the husband by giving a memorandum to the DM.
- Jyoti said, the whole crackdown is the conspiracy of the villagers of the village, who want to spoil the husband's image. My husband did not go out of the house at night. They are my gods, they are being framed.
- The wife of the deceased has lodged a case against my husband. While Santosh did not trace my husband's tractor. He did not even have DL. It is being harassed by making a case in a fake manner.
Until now, until my husband proved innocent, I will not take the veil. Tell me, women in Hamirpur live in the curtain. He keeps the veil after coming out.
After recovering the tractor, the body of Santosh was pressurized under the tractor for 10 hours. After which the villagers protested against the police by depositing them in protest. A case was registered against Veeru Singh on the demand of the family after a lot of turmoil.
- In this case, to remove his husband's name, village head Jyoti Singh reached the collectorate along with the villagers. Demanding the release of the report from the husband by giving a memorandum to the DM.
- Jyoti said, the whole crackdown is the conspiracy of the villagers of the village, who want to spoil the husband's image. My husband did not go out of the house at night. They are my gods, they are being framed.
- The wife of the deceased has lodged a case against my husband. While Santosh did not trace my husband's tractor. He did not even have DL. It is being harassed by making a case in a fake manner.
Until now, until my husband proved innocent, I will not take the veil. Tell me, women in Hamirpur live in the curtain. He keeps the veil after coming out.
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