राम रहीम को 'बब्बर शेर' कहते थे लोग, सजा के बाद गांव के हो गए ऐसे हालात
Here, 15 days before the birth of Ram Rahim's birthdays, the poster still took place. Ram Rahim has been described as Babbar Lion in this poster. On this occasion, there were also preparations for big celebrations on their birthday. But now his village Gurusar Modia has a sarnata. Learn how the situation is in the village ...
- The effect of jailing of Derekumi Gurmeet Ram Rahim has started to appear in Gurusar Modia. Here the number of people coming to the educational institutions and hospitals related to the camp is decreasing.
- People connected with the camp argued that due to the shut down of the internet, students were not able to send a message to the school, but the internet was turned on late on Tuesday night, so far the students did not come to the school.
It may be mentioned that on August 28, Panchkula Court sentenced Dera Mukhi Gurmeet Ram Rahim to 20 years in the case of rape. Earlier on August 25, the accused had been convicted and since then it has started affecting the institutions related to the dera. Parents are still in a state of fear.
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