On September 21, Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor is celebrating her 37th birthday. Kareena is known for her friendship in Bollywood. It is also very difficult to live without success in a big industry like Bollywood and succeeding. In such a situation, friends are extremely important, who keeps you happy, and maintains passion for work.
Talking about Kareena Kapoor's life, Kareena is very lucky to have a very strong and friendly friend in her life. Let's know which friends are in Kareena Kapoor's life.
First, if Amrita Arora's name is not taken as a friend, then it will be an insult to the friendship of Kareena. Kareena and Amrita are very old and very good friends. Do not work with both, but on every weekend they both seem to have fun.
On one side, where Kareena's career has touched the heights, Amrita Arora has taken a break from Bollywood by trying her luck in a few films. But these pairs are not tied to Bollywood borders and both of them take special care of each other.
Talking about Kareena Kapoor's life, Kareena is very lucky to have a very strong and friendly friend in her life. Let's know which friends are in Kareena Kapoor's life.
First, if Amrita Arora's name is not taken as a friend, then it will be an insult to the friendship of Kareena. Kareena and Amrita are very old and very good friends. Do not work with both, but on every weekend they both seem to have fun.
On one side, where Kareena's career has touched the heights, Amrita Arora has taken a break from Bollywood by trying her luck in a few films. But these pairs are not tied to Bollywood borders and both of them take special care of each other.
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