Bollywood actress Neha Pendse, who has been in the limelight from 'Tumse Hain Kya Hai', is away from films these days. In this film, he played the role of sister of lead actress Aarti Chhabria. The film was a flop but Neha got recognition in this film. Although these days they are working in a TV show and have changed a lot in the last 15 years.This TV show was last seen as Neha ...
If you talk about TV, then Neha appeared before the 1990s in 'Hasraten' show.
Later, in 1998, he also acted in "sweet-spoken talks" but then he went into Bollywood.
- In 2011, 'Bhagyalakshmi' came back on TV from the show and along with that he also worked in Marathi cinema.
- The last time he was seen in the 'Comedy Dangle' started in 2017.
If you talk about TV, then Neha appeared before the 1990s in 'Hasraten' show.
Later, in 1998, he also acted in "sweet-spoken talks" but then he went into Bollywood.
- In 2011, 'Bhagyalakshmi' came back on TV from the show and along with that he also worked in Marathi cinema.
- The last time he was seen in the 'Comedy Dangle' started in 2017.
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