Divya Bhatnagar, who plays the role of Maid Gulabo in the TV show 'This relation is called', is in the news about her personal life. The news is that Divya's father Vinay Kumar Bhatnagar is missing. 65-year-old Vinay was living with his wife and son in Delhi, but he is missing from Monday morning. Let me tell you, Vinay celebrated the birthday of the daughter Divya 13 days earlier. According to Divya, his father Vinay went to medical for his routine checkup.
After taking a checkup at around 11.30 pm, he was about to go to his in-laws' house but from here he is missing.
For the last time, Divya was seen on Kanot Place of Delhi.
After taking a checkup at around 11.30 pm, he was about to go to his in-laws' house but from here he is missing.
For the last time, Divya was seen on Kanot Place of Delhi.
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