Raveena Tandon's bold movie 'Shab' was released on July 14 this year. However, the censor board has now banned the film's television telescope. The censor board says that the extra-marital affairs and homosexuality in the film has been presented in a lot of detail. Not only this, Censor has also refused to give the 'UA' certificate to the film. Please tell that Raveena Tandon has romanced herself with a 13-year-old actor in the film.
According to film producer Sheetal Talwar, it is very regrettable to reject the film. If it had been rejected by Piyaz Nihalani, many people of Bollywood would have stood on their front, but now no one is ready to say anything.
- Please tell that the film 'Shab' was given the complete 'A' certificate with some audio cuts. Ashish Bisht has also worked with Raveena Tandon in the film.
Most of the films on Onir are shown as subjects like prostitution, homosexuality and extra-marital affairs.
According to film producer Sheetal Talwar, it is very regrettable to reject the film. If it had been rejected by Piyaz Nihalani, many people of Bollywood would have stood on their front, but now no one is ready to say anything.
- Please tell that the film 'Shab' was given the complete 'A' certificate with some audio cuts. Ashish Bisht has also worked with Raveena Tandon in the film.
Most of the films on Onir are shown as subjects like prostitution, homosexuality and extra-marital affairs.
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